pa03 : Card game using Binary Search Trees

num ready? description assigned due
pa03 true Card game using Binary Search Trees Thu 05/17 09:00AM Sun 06/10 11:59PM


You may submit until 2 days after the due date (June 12) for 30% reduction.

Goal of this assignment


The game you will be implementing is exactly the same as the one you did for pa02, the key differences are:

Required files

The game

Alice and Bob have realized the simplicity of their revealed-hand version of Go Fish and figured out that they probably should play with their hands concealed. However, they’ve already delt two hands of cards and decide to play one last game with revealed hands and make it as fast as possible. To aid this, they decide to play the game exactly the same way as described in pa02 except they will go through their cards in sorted order.

The game proceeds much as in the previous assignment, with Alice taking her turn and then Bob taking his turn. However, now when asking for cards, Alice proceeds FORWARD starting with “lowest” card and proceeding to the “highest” card, while Bob proceeds BACKWARDS through his cards in sorted order.

The ordering of cards is described in the next section.

Card ordering

The ordering of cards is determined first by its suit and then by the value:

  1. The ordering least to greatest is: clubs, diamonds, spades, hearts. Thus a club of any value is less than a diamond of any value.

  2. The ordering within each suit is determined by the value from least to greatest as follows: ace, 2, 3, . . . 10, jack, queen, king.

Based on the above two rules, the correct ordering of

h 9, c k, s 3, c a, h j, d 3

would be

c a, c k, d 3, s 3, h 9, h j

Your approach

At the start of the program, you will read in Alice and Bob’s starting hands from two files. The names of these files are provided as command line arguments with Alice’s file in argv[1] and Bob’s in argv[2]. The starter code opens the files for you as ifstream objects, which you can treat much like cin. You should read Alice and Bob’s cards into two binary search trees. Don’t worry about balancing the binary search trees (though you can try and optimize this if you like). Your binary search tree class should obey the card ordering rules given above. While implementing this, you may find it helpful to overload the operators ==, <, and > on your card class so that you can easily choose which branches to go down on your binary tree. Note that you need to correctly handle the case of cards with the value 10 (which has two characters) and separately compare the value and suit, so storing the cards as strings is probably not the best approach.

Once you have the sets of cards, the game begins. Alice iterates forward through her binary tree (in increasing order of the cards), checking whether Bob has that card. You should check if Bob has each card using the search function of the BST. Once a matching card is found, you should print the line “Alice picked matching card <card value as a number/character>". The card should then be removed from both players hands by calling delete on the binary search tree. Make sure to delete any dynamically allocated memory when removing the cards from your trees!

The process then repeats, except this time, Bob looks through his cards starting with the largest card and working towards the smallest card. This means that while the first card Alice finds should be the first shared card (in order), the first card Bob finds should be the last shared card (in order). Once there are no matching cards, you should print out the final hands of both players with the matching cards removed.

As before, you should write your own Makefile for this lab so that running make builds an executable called game.

Before you begin

Based on pa02, we are adding an additional requirement that you write a set of unit tests for your binary search tree. These should be in a file called tests.cpp, which you will submit, and you should write your Makefile so that running make test compiles and runs these tests. Note that there will be no Gradescope tests for these unit tests, so you can have the output in whatever format you find most helpful. You should test each of the functions on your binary search tree, which will include, at the very least, find(), delete(), insert(), successor(), and predecessor(). You should write these tests BEFORE implementing the full game to ensure that your binary search tree works correctly. Debugging one set of code is much easier than debugging two at the same time. This will also ensure that your are correctly separating your binary tree class from the rest of your program logic.


As with pa02, there will be a checkpoint for this lab worth 20 points and due May 31st(Thursday) at midnight. You will submit some code to Gradescope (the assignment pa03-checkpoint) for this checkpoint. Gradescope will check that your code compiles, and your mentor will also provide feedback on your code. Before submitting the checkpoint, you should have the following:


Contents of alice_cards.txt:

h 3
s 10
c a
c 3
s 5
h 10
d a

Contents of bob_cards.txt:

c 2
d a
h 10
c 3
d j
s 10
h a

Correct output after running make && ./game alice_cards.txt bob_cards.txt:

Alice picked matching card c 3
Bob picked matching card h 10
Alice picked matching card d a
Bob picked matching card s 10

Alice's cards:
c a
s 5
h 3

Bob's cards:
c 2
d j
h a

Note: a=ace, k=king, q=queen, j=jack


For this lab, you will have a lot of flexibility on your implementation (which just means we won’t be providing a code framework for you to fill in). However, there are a few requirements that your mentor will check for when they look at your code. Keep these in mind as you think about your solution:

Submission instructions

Submit your code on Gradescope. You must organize your program in the files: main.cpp, cards.cpp, tests.cpp, cards.h, utility.cpp and utility.h

In addition you must create a Makefile that compiles your program to an executable called game.